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A portable measurement system for determining the clearance of railway structures and features.
Rail Track Measurer – Single Reading and Dual Reading Rail Track Measuring Wheel
The Dywidag VoidMate is a remotely programmable track void monitoring system, that provides continuous recording of track stability.
Accurate relative (transfer) – Levels from ±1mm from 1700mm to 2800mm
True horizontal measurements – 6ft/10ft measurements
Fully non-conductive – Allowing measurements over 3rd/4th conductor rails
Relative level readings – –300mm to +175mm without the need to turn or reset the gauge
The SHM Gateway is a control unit for receiving and sending data with which, thanks to the wide-range communication protocol LoRaWAN, it is possible to manage and communicate with dozens of devices and sensors at the same time.
The Move Accelerometer SHM can measure the acceleration of the point where it is installed, on the three axes, with high resolution. All of these Accelerometers SHM can be perfectly synchronised with each other.
Tilt Beam sensors consist of aluminium metal bars of 1, 2 or 3 meters long on which is mounted a Wireless Tiltmeter. They are typically installed in a series so that the end of a bar coincides with the beginning of the next until it covers the required distance.
The Move Wireless Tiltmeter measures the angle of inclination of the point where it is installed with an incredible accuracy and resolutions. The device transmits the measured angle at regular time intervals. It is full wireless, and battery can lasts for eight years.